Help for impulsive behavior
Impulsive behaviors are carried out quickly and without control. These types of behaviors are not planned ahead of time and there is no thought given to potential consequences.
If you have found yourself buying a new shirt on a whim, only to later realize you don’t need it, or can’t afford it, this is an example of impulsive behavior. Impulsive behaviors tend to be connected to immediate and positive rewards. Buying that shirt felt great! The behavior usually brings immediate relief or distraction from emotional distress or upset. However, the behaviors bring long term negative consequences such as even greater emotional distress (once the behavior is over) financial difficulties, relationship problems, or damage to one’s own physical health. You know this is true if the euphoric feelings that you experienced when buying the shirt wore off by the time you were finding place for the new shirt in your closet. Is my behavior impulsive?Some examples of impulsive behaviors are:
These are only some known impulsive behaviors. For a more complete list you can click here.
Get help
If you or your child are struggling with impulse control, then you know this is a serious issue that is affecting your quality of life.
Relationships, your career, your family’s health, and your finances can be damaged to the point they are difficult to repair. Therefore, please seek out treatment as early as possible to bring about the best chances of achieving your full potential in life and happiness.
Click here to make an appointment with a therapist in the Chicago metro area. Our therapists are available to tolp in Evanston, Arlington Heights, Libertyville, Bannockburn, and Hyde Park.
Relationships, your career, your family’s health, and your finances can be damaged to the point they are difficult to repair. Therefore, please seek out treatment as early as possible to bring about the best chances of achieving your full potential in life and happiness.
Click here to make an appointment with a therapist in the Chicago metro area. Our therapists are available to tolp in Evanston, Arlington Heights, Libertyville, Bannockburn, and Hyde Park.
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